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Child Youth Serv Rev ; 121: 105906, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33390638


The social distancing measures implemented to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic worldwide have created a series of emotional and economic challenges. The aim of the present work was to explore the experiences of families with children and adolescents during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Uruguay. An online study was conducted in March 2020 with 1725 parents with children under 18 years old. A series of closed and open-ended questions about their family life since the implementation of social distancing measures were asked, addressing the following topics: how they had felt, changes they had experienced in their daily life, children's daily routine, changes implemented in relation to child-care, changes they had perceived in children's eating patterns, changes in their relationship with their children, changes in their children's mood and behavior, and their reaction to those changes. Results showed that the coronavirus pandemic elicited negative feelings in the majority of participants, mainly related to worry, fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Social distancing measures caused a major disruption in daily habits, which were mostly attributed to changes in work-related activities and the closure of educational institutions. Changes in children's mood and behavior were perceived by the majority of the participants, who mainly referred to boredom, agitation and restlessness. Although some participants reported difficulties to cope with children's behavior during social distancing, others valued the opportunity of spending more time with their children. In terms of children's eating patterns, changes related to both an increase and a decrease in the consumption of healthy foods were observed. Results from the present work have relevant implications for public health policy and practice by highlighting the importance of providing emotional and psychological support to people during social distancing measures and providing insights for the design of communication campaigns and interventions.

Claves odontol ; 22(74): 41-46, sept. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-775315


El consumo excesivo de bebidas alcohólicas constituye un serio problema sanitario y social. En los últimos años se han destacado sus propiedades anticancerosas, antioxidantes y protectoras contra la enfermedad cardíaca coronaria, lo que ha generado controversias entre beneficios y perjuicios de su consumo. Los efectos tóxicos sobre el sistema nervioso central lideran el cuadro de la intoxicación aguda, mientras que los efectos del consumo crónico afectan prácticamente todo el organismo, alterando numerosas funciones aún en etapas tempranas de la vida. Los profesionales de las ciencias de la salud tienen un rol clave en la prevención de los daños producidos por este hábito tan difundido.

Humanos , Alcoolismo/complicações , Bebidas Alcoólicas/toxicidade , Saúde Bucal , Bebidas Alcoólicas/efeitos adversos , Cirrose Hepática Alcoólica/prevenção & controle , Doenças da Boca/etiologia , Etanol/metabolismo , Organização Mundial da Saúde
Rev. psiquiatr. Fac. Med. Barc ; 32(3): 120-132, jul.-sept. 2005. tab
Artigo em Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-047379


La psoriasis es un trastorno dermatológico inflamatoriocrónico. Se cree que es un proceso auto inmune. Diferentesinvestigaciones recientes sitúan a la inflamaciónneurogénica, un proceso proliferativo de fibras nerviosasno mielinizadas, como uno de los factores etiopatogénicoscomunes en la proliferación y mantenimiento de la placapsoriasica. El NGF (Factor de crecimiento Nervioso), unamolécula de la familia de las neurotrofinas, podría ser eliniciador, y perpetuar la señalización celular, mediantesegundos mensajeros, como los neuropéptidos(Substáncia P, Péptido del gen relacionado con lacalcitonina y Péptido Intestinal Vasoacitivo), de dichoproceso inflamatorio, lo que explicaría fenómenos comoel de Koebner o la simetría de las lesiones, en la Psoriasis.Por dicha razón, se comienza a observar a la enfermedad,como un proceso psicosomático. El cerebro generaríaseñalizaciones neuroquímicas, que modularían elproceso periférico, y viceversa. Se explicaría porqué elestrés es el factor de riesgo principal en la psoriasis. Laenfermedad mental, que produce estrés neuronal, pormedio de mecanismos neurobiológicos, podría generar,en el nervio periférico, mecanismos anti-apoptoticos, enpersonas genéticamente vulnerables. Se explicaría tambiénque la misma psoriasis produjera estrés psicosocial,por lo que se cerraría el círculo fisiopatologico

Psoriasis is a cronic inflamatory dermatologic disease.Scientific works believe that is an auto-inmune disease.Novel investigations describe Neurogenic Inflammation,a proliferative process into the unmielinized nervous fibers,like one of the most important common etiopathogenicfactor in the proliferation and maintenance of the psoriaticplaque. The Neural Grow Factor, a molecule of theneurotrophine familily, probably can act like aninicialization and maintenance of the molecular cellularsignaling, with the contribution of other second messengers(Substance P, Calcitonin-gene related peptide andVasoactive Intestinal Peptide), of the inflammatory process,that explain the Koebener phenomenon or the simmetryof the lesions of Psoriasis. For this reason, the disease is actually observed like a psicosomatic illnes. The brain,probably generates neurochemical signaling, thatmodulate the periferical process, and viceversa. Thisexplains the stress like the most important risk factor inthe development of Psoriasis. The mental disease, thatproduce neuronal stress, with neurobiologicalmechanims, probably generates, in the periferal nerve,antiapoptotic mechanims, in genetically vulnerablepatients. This explains, in the other hand, that psoriasisgenerates psicosocial stress, and close the vicious circleof the etiopathogenic mechanisms of Psoriasis

Humanos , Psoríase/fisiopatologia , Inflamação Neurogênica/fisiopatologia , Estresse Psicológico/complicações , Fator de Crescimento Neural/fisiologia , Neuropeptídeos/fisiologia